Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Shmorgishborg of events

Preslee is kinda in this stuffed animal/doll faze. She will gather all of her stuffed animal friends and put them all in a little group. Then, once they are all together, she will, one or two at a time, take her animals and transfer them somewhere else. And the whole task will begin again.
She has also been really into a little doll that I bought her quite a while ago. She will take a little tissue and wipe her nose and try to put the doll's shirt on her. She loves it. She calls it her baba.  Love it.
Preslee watching Baby Einstein with daddad. She loves baby Einstein. I usually only let her watch it when I need her to sit still. Like when I clip her nails or do her hair. If she had it her way, she would watch much much more.
Daddad obviously is not nearly as stimulated nor enthused. 
Mommom's Little helper.
Preslee is always trying to do all she can and understand to help out. Whenever I have the vacuum or broom out she needs a turn to give them a spin around the room. She will help me unload the dishwasher by handing me the silverware one by one. When I am cooking on the stove and stirring the food she will go to our cooking utensils drawer and bring me spoons and spatulas to use. Such a cutie. I do all I can to make her believe that she is actually a great help and that she is doing a great job. I love her face of satisfaction. She is just trying to please and I love that she is so willing to help me. 
These Pictures tell it all.

Mommom type PJs
So Laundry day does not always get done on Thursday like I like it to. Sooo..... sometimes we run out of specific clothes, such as Preslee's PJs. On this particular night I put her in a T and some comfy pants. I thought she looked so adorable in her big girl pjs. I don't know why but it made her look so grown up.

This is how I found her in the morning... and Yes, She wakes up this happy 99% of the time.

Utah State vs The U Game
I loved going to this game. We left Preslee with a baby sitter and I missed her the whole time but it was nice to just enjoy a game without having to chase a toddler around. It was also nice for it to be just Matt and I. It is never like that anymore.
I was also so so tired the majority of the game but the ending I really perked up. I am so so proud to be an Aggie.
Our football team has always been an underdog team but we are no longer one. We are AMAZING.

Rushing the field after the game

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