Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Splish Splash

Why do I always update our blog at night. I get so tired by the end of the day that things go blurry and I don't really have much to say because I do not feel whitty or chatty and don't feel like telling stories. Good thing pictures are worth 1,000 words.
Preslee LOVES water. Which is good because it has been so blasted hot this summer that we do water stuff almost everyday.... Which makes it a good thing that she has three swimming suits. She wears those more than her clothes it seems. It has been a wet summer.
Yesterday I had a combined mutual activity that I was in charge of. We went to the aquatic center in Logan. Pres and Matt came to and we really had a blast

After a while we took her out of her floaty and let her just walk around in the water. I hovered over her like a helicopter mom would. Any mom would. Anyway she loved it. 
On the drive home I looked back at her and my heart just sank, she looked beyond tired. Poor thing played herself to exhaustion. Lets just say that she took two naps yesterday and I was totally ok with that. I sure miss the 2nd naps.

Today was a slow day for us. Preslee and I really didn't have any errands that needed to be ran. And lets be honest. I usually keep my house really clean and so nothing needed to be cleaned really. 
So once again we played outside in the water.
She loves this little pool. We keep it in the garage and whenever Preslee sees it in there she points to it, makes that cute little noise she makes when she is trying to tell me that there is something that she likes, and she gets really excited. 

You can see our fantastic new fence in the background.

And of course we need to have our measuring spoons that we pulled out of the drawer outside to swim with us.

Tonight after dad gave Preslee a bath, while I vacuumed, we played a little game of hide-and-go-seek. Preslee gets so over excited when she knows that we are coming after her. I am always afraid that she is going to run straight into a wall or something. She just squirms all over. You can count on it every time that she runs right into my closet and hides in my clothes. I will crawl on the floor and bang my hands down for effect and she squills. Oh it is such a fun game to play with my little miss.

I love and live for my little miss.

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