Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Update and Project Chair

I really want to be better at blogging. I know I know your thinking, well it has been 2 years since you last blogged and so there is a lot of room for improvement and being 'better'. I feel that there is so much to catch up on really and that it is overwhelming to think about how much there is to write. I heard a song once that said "Start where you are and make the best of whatever." So that is just what I am going to do. Start at the present and someday work me way back to explain these last 16 months. I say 16 months because that is how old Little miss Preslee Paige is now and that is when my life really began. But I have failed to document the happenings of our lives with her on this blog. I am hoping that I can make that change.

So we are trying to clean out our garage so we can build shelves to put even more storage in there. Clean out storage to put more in? What would we do that you ask? Because we need to clean out our guestroom closet because that is going to be Preslee's new room. We are going to put our new baby in the nursery. Yep, we are having another little one. I am 20 weeks. This one was such a surprise to us but we are so excited!

Apart of cleaning out our garage is getting all the projects done that I have been meaning to do. We also have a lot of other projects coming up with designing and decorating Preslee's new room too. I am so excited about that.

A few months ago Grandma Jessie gave me her mother's chair that she had had in her house for years. It is in terrible shape. Disgusting!!!! I love the designed and the carvings in the wood so it was just my taste. I have decided to not keep it for myself or sell it but to completely give it a huge face lift and gift it to her for Christmas.

I started this crazy project today.
Here she is. Aint she a beaut?
And here is what I did to her today.
 Yes, that is some sort of grass used for padding.

She is getting stripped.

Wonderful, a nest. I am sure that what lived in here was not the only inhabitant of the chair.

She's ready for some sanding and staining.

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